Ogden Office

Our address:
1920 W 250 N Street Ste 24, Ogden, UT 84404

See map

Our phone: (801) 752-0451

Quick Contact

1920 W 250 N Street Ste 24, Ogden, UT 84404

(801) 752-0451

Rimrock Law Firm | Monday – Friday | 8:30 am – 6 pm


The Story Behind Rimrock Law Firm

At Rimrock Law Firm, our name carries a legacy of family history and a deep connection to the natural beauty of Southern Utah. My grandpa Webb grew up in this picturesque region, spending countless hours on his uncle’s ranch. When he wasn’t lending a hand on the ranch, my Grandpa Webb was exploring the majestic rimrocks, fishing in serene streams, and hiking through breathtaking landscapes.

The rimrocks of Southern Utah hold a special place in my heart. Just like my grandpa, I’ve inherited a love for the outdoors, particularly fishing and adventuring in nature’s wonders. The term “rimrock” refers to the top edge of a cliff or rock outcrop, symbolizing strength, stability, and a solid foundation. At Rimrock Law Firm, we embody these qualities in the services we provide. Our slogan, “Rock Solid Legal Representation,” reflects our commitment to standing firm and providing unwavering support for our clients. Whether you’re facing legal challenges or seeking guidance, trust us to be your solid rock in times of need.Join us in celebrating the legacy and strength of the rimrocks. Give us a call for a free consultation!